A word from the board
Dear ONO member,
The ONO conference programme is still being finalised but some of the highlights already in place are shared below. In addition, there is a link to the registration page for the conference – it would be really helpful if members would register early to get an idea of numbers. If you are not able to register immediately, please let us know that you plan to come by emailing chrismelliott51@gmail.com.
Elsewhere in the newsletter we look at some of the work of our ombuds’ colleagues published in February. The work of the ombuds and standards editors is a tough job, particularly at a time of war, and it would be useful if members could provide a link to all the websites where their work is published so ONO can publish these by their contact details in the members’ section. We may then publish their URLs alongside their contact details in the members only section. This would give easier access to ONO’s collective wisdom. We recognise that not all members have a role where their work is regularly published but for those who do, it would be helpful for colleagues to be able to share it.
Finally, we received an official note of thanks for ONO’s support from Virginia Miletus in the office of the Public Defender of Audiovisual Communication Services in Argentina:
“I send you this thank you, on behalf of Miriam Lewin and the entire team at the Public Defender’s Office, for your support for the continuity of the organisation”.
If you missed the Shop talk in which Miriam set out the threat to her role as Defensoría del Público. Here is the link that takes you to the Vimeo page (password: shoptalkfeb2024).
Margo Smit, president
Jack Nagler, vice president
Elisabeth Ribbans, treasurer
Chris Elliott, executive director
ONO conference 2024: South Africa May 15 – 18
This year’s ONO conference in Cape Town takes place against the background of the upcoming South African elections, widely considered to be one of the most important in the young democracy’s life. The role of a free press unfettered by government or other interference and the dangers of misinformation and disinformation will be key issues in South Africa and elsewhere in the world, where at least 64 countries are going to the polls this year, according to Time.
We have a session from William Bird, of Media Monitoring Africa, which for 30 years has acted as a watchdog, promoting ethical and fair journalism using technology, social media and data tools. In the same session we also have Prof Herman Wasserman, head of the department of journalism at Stellenbosch University.
The keynote speaker on the second day is Judge Bernard Ngoepe (left),chair of the South African Press Council’s appeal panel, who will be talking about the long battle to retain the independence of the South African press and keep it free from state interference. Another session will be devoted to the major policy document recently published by UNESCO: Guidelines for the governance of digital platforms. This session is being moderated by Prof Guy Berger, UNESCO’s former director for Freedom of Expression and Media Development.
There will be a chance to explore Cape Town’s waterfront with colleagues during the trip and a gala dinner at the end of the second day of the conference on May 17. The ONO AGM will be on February 18.
We have now launched our registration page for the conference HERE. We hope the process is straightforward. Once you have registered there is also a facility to pay using PayPal or a credit card. There will be no conference hotel as our meetings will take place in Media24’s headquarters. A list of reasonably priced hotels along with a more detailed programme will be published next month when details have been finalised.
Members columns and articles
Do these words adequately describe what is happening in the Middle East? (in French)
As the conflict in Gaza continues there is no let-up in pressure on the ombuds and standards editors. Every aspect of coverage, with a particular emphasis on language is scrutinised. Pierre Champoux, Radio-Canada’s ombudsman, has investigated a complaint relating among other things to the use of the word “war” as in Israel-Hamas war.
News Breakfast – ‘Australia Day reflections’, 26 January 2024
Australia All Over – 28 January 2024
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation published two reports on February 16 of investigations carried out by its ombuds, Fiona Cameron, arising out of complaints about Australia Day coverage.
Tithing and Taxes
CBC’s investigative program The Fifth Estate aired an episode showing that much of the money donated to the Canadian branch of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was being redirected south of the border as a gift to Brigham Young University. Complainant Richard Boddington called it an “utterly disgraceful piece of unprofessional yellow journalism.” Jack Nagler, CBC’s ombudsman, reviewed the journalism involved.
A paper newspaper is one of the most beautiful things that exist
Arjen Fortuin, ombuds at NRC Netherlands
Does it matter who (or what) curates the news?
Sandra E Martin, Globe and Mail standards editor
Without sufficient comments or explanations
Soledad Alcaide, defensora del lector at El País
Some other links to things that may be interesting or useful
Global Investigative Journalism Network
How to Identify and Investigate AI Audio Deepfakes, a Major 2024 Election Threat
Columbia Journalism Review
“Pink Slime Journalism” and a history of media manipulation in America
Milei, the media, and the market
Pew Research Center
Introducing the Pew-Knight Initiative 21/2/24
CNN staff say network’s pro-Israel slant amounts to ‘journalistic malpractice’
UK Press Gazette
Director Ken Loach Ofcom complaint rejected after being ‘maligned’ by Newsnight
Here are two threads on X (formerly Twitter)
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen (@rasmus_kleis) posted at 9:32 am on Mon, Feb 05, 2024:
People in journalism (or outside) who want to understand the impact journalism has should not stop at research on how journalism helps people be e.g. more informed.
MMitchell (@mmitchell_ai) posted at 9:08 pm on Sun, Feb 25, 2024:
I really love the active discussion abt the role of ethics in AI, spurred by Google Gemini’s text-to-image launch & its relative lack of white representation. As one of the most experienced AI ethics people in the world (>4 years! ha), let me help explain what’s going on a bit.
The password for the members-only part of the website was changed on February 9, only those who have paid will have access. If you have paid and you are still having a problem please let Elaine or Chris Elliott know.
You should have received your invoice by now – if not please let our assistant treasurer Elaine Carlton (rcarlton9@cox.net) know. It will help her if you include either the invoice number or your name in your payment. Sometimes a fee appears in the system with very little to tell her who is paying.
This is your newsletter!
If you want to share your own experiences or have reports all ONO members should know about, find us at newsombudsmenorg@gmail.com and we will include it in ONO’s next newsletter.